Archive for January, 2012

Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans

Jan 21 2012 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans?

Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans (BXO) also called as lichen sclerosus et atrophicus (If found in other sites besides the genitals) is a serious chronic inflammatory skin disease on the male genitalia of unknown origin.

Balanitis is characterized by the hardening of the skin tissue around the foreskin on the tip of penis. Thick white patches or a white hard ring is observed across the prepuce and prohibits its retraction.

Causes & Risk Factors

The balanitis is caused by many conditions. There are also many risk factors which predispose to balanitis

  1. inflammatory condition
  2. autoimmune diseases
  3. diabetes
  4. thyroid disease
  5. vitiligo
  6. infectious viral  infections
  7. bacterial Infections
  8. genetics is also found to be a predisposing factor in acquiring the disease.

Uncircumcised penis

Most findings also support and indicate that an uncircumcised penis is at high risk because this allows exposure to urine, warmth and moist on its skin folds and greatly contributes to the development of the disease.

Symptoms and Signs

  1. Itching or pruritus
  2. Discomfort or burning sensation on urination
  3. Reduced sensation on the tip of the penis
  4. Presence of pain upon sexual arousal or erection
  5. Obstruction of the urethra or passageway of urine
  6. Inflamed urethra
  7. Phimosis (Loss of ability retract foreskin due to constriction)
  8. Paraphymosis (Skin constricted behind the glans due to inflammation)

Pathology & Problems

In the early phase of the disease, uncomfortable itch also called pruritus starts to develop. Further irritation occurs upon the passage of urine or penile discharges. The burning sensation felt in the urethra contributes to the discomfort. As it progresses, Loss of sensation in the glans penis becomes more evident. Pain upon urination takes place, decreasing its urinary force and stream. Sexual dysfunction is present as a result of pain felt upon erection. The continued manifestations worsen as the opening of the urethra is narrowed and encircled by white lumps of hardened scar tissue. Eventually, this unable the foreskin to retract (condition is know an phimosis) and the scarred tip of the penis blocks the flow of urine or semen. Urinary retention takes place and causes bladder damage, forcing the waste products to backflow and inflicting harm to the kidneys. The Inflammation is worsened by infection as it starts to exacerbate the disease process if left untreated. In rare instances, reports of malignant tumors are also said to found.


The prevalence rate of the condition in men is highly debatable in different parts of the world, as not much has been made to study the disease in detail. Some consider it to be rare and some speculate that it is common due to the nature of the disease as it starts out asymptomatic with only mild visible changes. The evident physical formation of signs and symptoms start to occur in months to years. A diagnosis can then be achieved with thorough gathering of patient history, clinical observations, laboratory workups and cutaneous biopsy for a conclusive analysis.


  1. Topical steroids
  2. Tacrolimus ointments
  3. Antibiotics
  4. Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser surgery
  5. Circumcision

At present, there is no curative therapy for balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO). There are however numerous approaches available for palliative treatment.

1. Topical steroids

Medical practitioners often use corticosteroid creams in short courses such as, clobetasol propionate, testosterone creams for early cases relating to the involvement of the glans penis or its head. It’s effectiveness at any rate, is not a guarantee nor can reverse the damage done by the disease process as they greatly vary on its success in each individual.

2. Tacrolimus ointments

Tacrolimus ointments, a potent immunosuppressive drug is also found to be effective. Concerns about long-term use and toxicity, still outweighs its usage and to have consideration of the use of alternatives.

3. Antibiotics

Long term antimicrobial therapies are also useful to reduce the inflammation brought about by the disease. It’s observed to have softened the skin including the disappearance of pruritus and tenderness. Under any given circumstance, discontinuation on medication will positively result in relapse.

4. Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser surgery

Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser surgery is an alternative to unresponsive conservative treatment. The infrared beam of the laser is absorbed by the skin producing heat, thus vaporizing the cells within.

5. Circumcision

In adults, circumcision is also done remove the foreskin and to prevent the progression of the disease. The surgery is considered to effective but does not address the closing of the urinary meatus. Additional surgery is required, excision of tissue and reconstructive surgery is done to correct narrowing and to create an opening. It is also advised to have regular follow up care to address any changes such as tumors. Circumcision in children is the single most way to reduce the likelihood of developing the disease. It stops surface of the skin folds from moisture from urine, rendering it dry. This may be against some ethical cultural factors, and should be considered by its practioners. Overall, balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO) should never be taken lightly, early detection and intervention is crucial in determining the outcome of the wellness and condition of the individual.


urethral stricture in balanitis xerotica obliterans

urethral stricture in balanitis xerotica obliterans (diagrammatic)

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Gender Identity Disorder

Jan 21 2012 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is Gender Identity Disorder?

Gender Identity Disorder is defined as consistent cross-gender identification of a person that is, when an individual has a desire or insists that she or he is of the opposite sex.  He or she has a strong desire not to conform to the society’s norm of his or her gender role.

The cross-gender identification is exhibited by boys are a preoccupation with girl-related activities. They may have a liking for donning women’s clothing. There is also a strong fascination for common girls’ games and girls’ pastimes which makes them engrossed with female fantasy figures. They avoid rough play and physically challenging events and have little or no interest in engaging in stereotypical boys’ toys.

Girls with Gender Identity Disorder display intense opposing response to parental expectations and pursuits to have them wear dresses or feminine clothing. They find interest in engaging rough and competitive play and act in a manner that is typical of boys’. They also believe that they will grow male sexual organs and they wouldn’t like to have breast or experience menstruation.

There are associated features and disorders of Gender Identity Disorder. Many individuals with this disorder may become socially isolated whether by will or rejected by groups which can lead to low self-esteem. Social relationships will eventually be impaired resulting to distress and depression. Suicide attempt and substance abuse are also common.

Children with Gender Identity Disorder may manifest separation anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and signs and symptoms of depression.

Adolescents may be particularly at risk for suffering depression and have suicidal ideation and attempts because of failure in attaining their developmental task in this age.

Adult onset may be a continuation of the disorder that had a childhood onset or early adolescence. These adults may explicitly show transvestism and fetishism and they are more overt with their behavior.

gender identity disorder (GID) picture

Gender Identity Diorder (picture view)


Studies reveal that children, adolescents and even adults are affected with this rare kind of disorder. This disorder occurs more often in males than in females, can manifest in the early childhood and just before a person reaches adolescence. In this age group, according to Robert Havighurst, a theorist, must develop acceptance in his or her physical body and keep it healthy, in which those with gender identity disorder fails to acquire. There is also no significant association of the disorder with the person’s social class, ancestry or intelligence. Though there are no data that show prevalence of this disorder, roughly an estimation of 1 out of 30,000 adult men and 1 out of 100,000 adult females seek sex-reassignment procedures.

Causes & Mechanism

The cause of this disorder is idiopathic or unknown, but some theories say that

  1. hormonal imbalances that occur during fetal and child development,
  2. genetic abnormalities of individuals.
  3. environmental factors such as parenting or child rearing
  4. mixture of above components cause this disorder

The gender of the baby is decided by chromosomes. Men possess an XY chromosome while women possess an XX chromosome. The Y chromosome has a gene called the testes deciding feature. This gene is responsible for the embryo cells to vary and form man’s sexual organs. The embryo cells with no testes deciding feature will keep on forming the woman’s sexual organs.

The recently formed testes discharge considerable amounts of man’s hormones throughout the third pregnancy month, increasing the male variation even more. This release of hormones happens once more in men during the 2nd to 12th week following birth. It is vital to know that there is no equivalent hormonal release seen in women at this time.

This information offers the biological cause for gender identity disorder. Man’s hormonal releases should happen not only in adequate quantities, however, also throughout a brief duration to result in the masculinity of the fetus. If there is a lack in the quantity of androgen, the hormone mainly accountable for masculinity, or the release arrives very soon or very late, the fetus might be partially masculine. There were also cases that babies were born with ambiguous genitalia, which can raise identity issues.

Disturbance of hormonal release may be caused by a medical condition involving the mother’s endocrine system, high level of stress or medications affecting the release and regulation of hormones.

Psychosocial mechanisms can also be considered likely perpetuating or maintaining factors of GID in adolescents. In this stage, they develop homoerotic attraction awareness which result to one’s vulnerability of one’s sense of self of being male or female. It is also in this stage that they have to address to issues about sexual orientation. These adolescents may grow in families in which the cross-gender behavior is tolerated and viewed by parents or guardians as a phase during their sons and daughters’ development.

Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms in Children

The following are the common symptoms of gender identity disorder among children:

  1. Expressed want to belong to the other sex
  2. Calling oneself names used typically by the opposite sex
  3. Believes that in time they will grow up to become the opposite sex
  4. Experience rejection from peer groups
  5. Self-isolation
  6. Manifesting behavior seen in the opposite sex
  7. Depressed or anxious

Symptoms in Adults

The following are the common symptoms among adults:

  1. Wear clothes of the opposite sex or cross-dressing
  2. Experience loneliness
  3. Depressed or anxious
  4. Wish to live as a person of  the opposite sex
  5. Desire to be rid off their own sexual organs
  6. Self-isolation
  7. Extracting oneself from social interactions

Diagnostic Test

Trained mental health practitioners such as psychologists or psychiatrists diagnose this kind of disorder. They follow a set of checklist and perform series of tests in order to confirm the diagnosis.

Medical History and Examination

A complete and thorough medical history and psychological exam are also done to rule out possible origins of associated conditions of Gender Identity Disorder like anxiety and depression.

There are two components of Gender Identity Disorder that both of which must be manifested by a person to make the diagnosis:

  1.  An evidence of keen and consistent cross-gender identification, which is the want to belong to the other sex and not merely a desire for any observed social advantages of being the opposite sex.
  2.  An evidence of consistent discomfort about one’s present sex or sense of unfitting in the person’s gender.
  3.  The diagnosis cannot be made if the person has existing physical medical condition that is to say, affecting the hormonal release in the body (adrenal hyperplasia or conditions).
  4.  An evidence of clinically significant affliction in social, emotional, occupational, or other crucial areas of life functioning.

There are special diagnostic considerations for sexually mature individuals such as adolescents and adults regarding sexual orientation or attraction. Studies show that adolescents and adults with a childhood onset of GID are sexually attracted to birth sex while most adolescents with adolescence onset of GID are attracted to the opposite sex.


Psychotherapy & Family Therapy

The need for treatment is emphasized with the high rate of mental health problems that go along with this disorder such as depression, anxiety, and possibly substance abuse. These are usually not related with the disorder specifically, but these may arise as a person with GID deals socially. Therefore, Psychotherapy for with this kind of disorder is usually advised to alter the course of the disorder as well as Family Therapy, since environmental factors like parenting may take a role in the development of this disorder. The therapy sessions focus on managing the related concerns of anxiety and depression as well as improving the self-confidence.


As for adults, counseling is also recommended in addition to participation in a group that aims to guide them in addressing their concerns with regard to their gender issues.

Group Therapy

However, when GID in adolescence doesn’t respond to interventions made psychosocially, counseling specifically group therapy can help with the disorder. The person affected may seek refuge with the support group that he or she shares the disorder with and helps him or her with the adaptation. This can serve as a vent to release emotions and problems thus preventing complications of Gender Identity Disorder.

Hormonal therapy and surgery

Hormonal therapy and surgery such as Gender Reassignment Surgery to stop their innate gender attributes and to have those of what they desire of the opposite sex can be offered for the adolescent with gender dysphoria. Since this surgical procedure is major and permanent, people who want to undergo this operation must go through a long and extensive evaluation period with their health care providers and identity problems may continue after this treatment.


When diagnosed and treated early can lead into good prognosis particularly for born-female individuals with Gender Identity Disorder preceded by Gender Identity Disorder childhood onset. Most individuals with this disorder get to live up ordinary lives with their new adapted gender role. The success of surgical procedures relates to good Psychological outcome.

On the other hand, with the Gender Identity Disorder preceded by a diagnosis of dual role of transvestism, the prognosis of the disorder is guarded. There are regrets about sex-reassignment surgery surfacing because of lack of social and emotional support.


If Gender Identity Disorder is not addressed, this can cause

  1. poor self-image
  2. isolation
  3. emotional distress to the person
  4. severe depression
  5. anxiety which can interfere with an individual’s ability to function and develop,
  6. problems in work and relationships
  7. problems in school

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Bruised Rib – Symptoms, Treatment, Signs, Causes, X-ray Diagnosis

Jan 21 2012 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is a Bruised Rib?

Bruised rib is a discoloration of the skin that may indicate a crack or break in one of the bones usually resulted by a strong force, such as falls, motor vehicle accidents, or a hit with a blunt object. In older people, however, only a slight force (such as a minor fall) is sufficient. This is more likely to happen if you have a disease that has made your bones weak, such as osteoporosis or cancer.

Bruised ribs may also result due to severe chronic coughing. Bruised ribs are different from broken or cracked ribs in a way that in broken ribs, the injury is directly inflicted upon the bone while in bruised rib; the surrounding muscle area is affected.

The fracture is rarely serious, although internal organs, such as the lung, liver, or spleen are occasionally damaged by the force that caused it to fracture. The likelihood of people that may have damaged their internal organs depends on the ribs that are injured.

Bruised Rib Causes


This is one of the most obvious reasons for why bruised ribs come in to play. When there is a blunt direct hit to the rib area, such as slip and fall, a bruised rib is more likely. Whenever trauma takes place in the rib region or in any other part of the body, the blood vessels will be affected consequentially resulting in blood clots and discoloration of the skin as a sign. A fracture will lead to tremendous amounts of pain and discomfort and cause bruising as one of the main symptoms. If one has a broken rib, it is self-limiting, every slight action will lead to a significant amount of pain

Medical Conditions

There are several medical conditions that hold bruised ribs as one of their main symptoms. Here are some of these:

  • Leukemia – The easy bruising can be caused by a low platelet count, and leukemia patients have this and a high white blood cell count.
  • Aplastic Anemia – A bone marrow disorder resulting failure to produce sufficient platelets that increases the risk of bleeding and bruising.
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease – A condition that involves extended or excessive bleeding and bruising.
  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome – A group of inherited disorders marked by extremely loose joints, hyperelastic skin that bruises easily, and easily damaged blood vessels.
  • Steroid usage causes skin thinning resulting and easy bruising.
  • Chronic coughing can lead to putting a lot of pressure on the ribs and cause bruises as well as fractures.

Bruised Rib Symptoms, Signs

The following few points will help you understand the symptoms of bruised ribs:

Bruised Rib showing redness externally

Picture 1 – Bruised Rib showing redness externally

  • Tenderness near the injury area
  • Pleuritic pain, that is, it is very painful to take a deep breath
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increase in pain due to any movement
  • Sharp, constant pain in the rib
  • Visible signs of bruising near the original site of trauma or injury
  • In case of rib fracture, one may observe inflammation and unbearable pain in the chest

Bruised Rib Diagnosis

Aside from the presence of clinical manifestations and thorough history taking, the following studies may be helpful:

Imaging Studies

Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral chest films are used routinely to assist in the diagnosis of rib injuries. Delayed or follow-up radiographs can be very helpful. Through this, the doctor may be able to rule out rib fracture. Chest radiographs are much more useful in the diagnosis of underlying injuries, including hemothorax, pneumothorax, lung contusion, atelectasis, pneumonia, and vascular injuries.

Bruised Rib X-ray AP view image

Picture 2 –  X-ray (CXR) AP view showing Bruised Rib

Chest CT scan has shown to be more sensitive than plain radiographs for rib fracture detection. This can also determine the number of ribs involved. If complications in respect to rib fractures are considered clinically or diagnosed by plain radiographs, a chest CT scan may be expedient to document specific injuries, to characterize coverage of injury, and to plan for definitive management. An associated CT scan of the abdomen with intravenous contrast should be taken into account in cases involving lower rib fractures with suspected or known injury to the liver and/or the spleen.

Angiography. Because first and second rib fractures are likely associated with vascular injury, angiography is worth considering for such patients.

Laboratory studies

  • Urinalysis. Obtaining urinalysis in cases of lower rib injury as hematuria may indicate renal injury.
  • Arterial blood gas (ABG). Tests of the pulmonary function are used to determine if the lungs have been contused but do not actually test for rib fractures.
  • Complete blood count (CBC). A CBC count is a customary laboratory test for most trauma patients. The CBC helps determine the loss of blood, although the accuracy of findings to help determine acute blood loss is not entirely reliable. Other important information provided includes platelet and white blood cell counts, with or without differential.

Bruised Rib Treatment

  • Rest: Typical healing time for bruised ribs is between 3 to 6 weeks. It is important that you prevent them from any further damage once you are diagnosed having bruised ribs.
  • Cold compresses: Apply for 20 minutes at a time, 2 to 3 times per day.
  • Deep breathing exercises: A spirometer helps stimulate deep breathing for tissue perfusion and to decrease the risk of pneumonia.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications for pain – Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Nuprin, NeoProfen), Ketoprofen (Actron, Orudis, and Oruvail), Naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, Aleve), and Celecoxib (Celebrex)
  • Narcotic pain medication: For moderate to severe pain for short term use only.

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Jan 21 2012 Published by under Diseases & Conditions

What is Narcissism?

There are people who are selfish, self centered and egoistic in nature which are often misunderstood. They might have this kind of disorder called Narcissism. Narcissism is named after the Greek myth, Narcissus, who was the most handsome Greek youth who rejected nymph Echo. Narcissism is a mental condition that is being excessively in love with your own self.

It is a personality disorder of persons having deeper admiration for their own and has increase sense of their own self importance. They love to use the pronoun “I” and usually exaggerate things. They do anything to have constant admiration and praise. They have an adamant pursuit of self domination, one’s ambition, and profound gratification of themselves. They often disregard themselves as someone powerful and supreme; no one can be at par with them. It is a behavior that is highly obsessed and infatuated with one’s own self without minding other’s emotions.

Types of Narcissism

There are nine narcissistic types which are:


People who are cravers have phobias with abandonment. They are desperate and have limitless need. They are rarely satisfied. They have a lot of love to give. Hence are prone to jump from one relationship to another because they find it difficult to stick to one person only.

Fantasy Maker

A Fantasy maker person are caught up with their own make believe fantasy world. Normally, children do this but when an adult manifest this act of fantasy making, it is then a psychological condition that must be further addressed as soon as possible. These kinds of people do such defense mechanism in order to avoid the reality that is painful. Since, they are in their fantasy world; they have difficult having real relationships.

Special Lover

Special Lover people are full of love. They are a firm believer that love is the solution to all problems. They are so engross with romantic ideology of love. What makes this love narcissistic is that along with this love is the feeling of grandiosity. In the beginning idealization is observed, then denial eventually and then as it progresses it becomes are realization of unwelcoming reality. That despite the grandiose love that they have for their partner, they will face disappointments during the realization phase, where they realize that even their love or the ones they love is not perfect.


Tricksters are people who appear as the goody two shoes on the outside but it has evil intentions in the inside. They trick people in to believing that they have the positive traits. When their victim realizes this, their intentional motives which are hidden include entitlement that is limitless, exploitation, and a cruel twist. These people are adamant in relationships. They are delighted when they are able to fool their trusting and loyal lover. They play such game in cruelty resulting to a shattering impact to their victims.

Power Broker

The power brokers have the desire in attaining powers. They are the so called arrogant, bullies, and cold heart persons. They want to have power and they use this power in relationships, in their work condition and the like.


Ragers are persons who are living on the edge. When you bruise or injure their narcissism, their rage will bash out. They are hypersensitive to any insult. They are the physically and/or verbally abusive kind of persons. They can be very manipulative.

Body Shaper

The people who are considered Body Shapers are the ones that are much focused on fashion, youth, glamour, image, youth and beauty. They are plunged in to the obsession of having a perfect body, having a perfectionism that is nagging, and have self esteem that is linked with their images of their body. Denial is a common defense mechanism for these people. When they age, they refuse to accept it. Hence, they try on different ways to combat the aging process in any means that they can. They are often shallow and live in an empty life.


The martyr person indulges in their suffering. They are victims of such and love to get attention by telling their story. They want to support and care for others. To get such, they have the tendency to exploit other. They have relationships with the needy persons and they are known to exploit this kind of persons. They are able to control these kinds of persons.


Lastly, the rescuer appears as the generous kind. They are considerate, kind, and they try too hard maintaining that characters.

Types of Narcissistic Disorders:

Primary Narcissism

This kind of Narcissistic behavior occurs from six months to six years. It is a defense mechanism protecting the child from any damages that is psychic especially during the individual formation. According to Freud, it is here where an auto erotic mindset is developed. There is ego- libido, castration anxiety and repression.

Pathological Narcissism

Pathological Narcissism also called as NPD or Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The person diagnosed of having this disorder manifest self obsession and does everything for self gratifying purposes. Most people that have this disorder, according to statistics and research, are men. They have comprise traits such as having a grandiosity thinking, constant envy, delusional sense, and obsession.

Freud Narcissism

According to Sigmund Freud, is known as the father of psychoanalysis and renowned psychologist, narcissism is an important part that all of us have from birth. It basically deals with ego, libido, and cathexis.

Destructive Narcissism

Destructive Narcissism reflects that of a pathological kind of narcissism but the attitudes are fewer and or at a lesser intense. The pattern of attitudes and behavior that are involved in this kind of narcissistic behavior includes anger, frustrations and incompetency feelings. Aside from that they are known to be lacking of empathy, sense of entitlement, shallow in their emotions, and often belittle others. They are unable to maintain relationship due to having this kind of narcissistic behavior. It often goes unrecognized; identifying persons that have this kind of narcissistic behavior is difficult.

Covert Narcissism

The coverts or the so called stealth or attention narcissists are the most damaging form of from amongst the narcissistic personality disorder. They have a defensive nature and are hostile whilst they cover it up in their disguised sense of emotional vulnerability with insecurity. Regarding this kind of vulnerability, they will do anything to prevent exposure of themselves out in the open. They possess the same characteristics of that as an overt narcissist, the difference is that they are much more difficult to identify.

Malignant Narcissism

When one shows a combination of narcissistic personality disorder, paranoid traits and antisocial personality disorder, one will have the so called malignant narcissism. The malignant narcissism is most often diagnosed under narcissistic personality disorder due to the fact that this condition is not found in the DSM IV TR or the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder catalogue. It is the worst kind of narcissism. This kind of disorder theoretical disorder, which is developed over time, acquires antisocial, paranoid, and schizoid type of personality.

Along with the types of narcissistic disorder that was explained above, there are also other types such as Overt, Secondary, and Inverted Narcissism.

Causes of narcissism

There is actually no single factor responsible enough to pinpoint the cause of having this disorder. Some says that one of the causes why this disorder is occurring is that there is an earlier failure transition in to reality, resulting to the person to remain in early primary narcissistic stage. Some experts would say that the onset of the disorder occurs in early childhood which may be due to biological, psychological, genetic, social factors. Meanwhile those who have pathological narcissism are proved to cause emotional abuse to their loved ones and those who are close to them. Overall, the disorder causes a lot of emotional distress.

Signs & Symptoms

The following are signs and symptoms that are usually manifested by narcissism:

  1. Grandiose feeling
  2. Obsession with numerous fantasies (such as power, beauty etcetera)
  3. Feels entitled
  4. Lacks empathy
  5. Requires excessive admiration
  6. Inter-personally exploitative
  7. Envies others
  8. Arrogant behavior
  9. Sets unrealistic goals
  10. Believes that he or she is special and one of a kind

Diagnosis (test)

There is no specific diagnostic test that will be able to diagnose this disorder. If the symptoms, mentioned above, are there, the physician will start with having a complete medical history and physical exam. Other diagnostic test that may be done, associated with this disorder, to be able to rule out any illness that may be causing this disorder.


Treating this personality disorder involves psychotherapy in long term. It can include both medical and psychosocial treatment.

Medical Treatment


This kind of treatment frequently occurs with these narcissistic persons, who are impulsive, have poor reality testing; self destructive in nature, have poor motivation in outpatient treatment, has relationships with fragile objects, and has a lifestyle which is chaotic.

Psychosocial Treatment

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

It is here where the behaviors which are unhealthy and negative are replaced with positive and unhealthy ones. The health care professionals shows feelings of acknowledgement and respect for the patient’s self importance in order for them to reestablish a concord sense of self.

Family Therapy

In this therapy the main goal is to bring the entire family together in therapeutic sessions. The patient and his or her family will explore any conflicts, communication problems and other problems. Together, they do problem solving to aid in the coping of problems that deals with relationship.

Group Therapy

In here the group of similar conditions is formed. It is done such so that others are able to relate with others. Here they develop the act of listening to what each one has to say, learning about their experiences, and offering of support for each one. It is also here that socialization and openness is tested.

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Electronic Cigarettes – Dangers, Health Risks, Side Effects, Benefits, Components

Jan 19 2012 Published by under General Health

What are Electronic Cigarettes?

Lung cancer is among the leading type of cancer nowadays. The number one cause of lung cancer is smoking cigarettes. With this problem, emerged the electronic cigarette invention.

An electronic cigarette is the alternative and healthy way to smoke cigarettes. It is the newest product that looks like a real cigarette but it is really a vaporizer that is operated through the use of batteries. It is somewhat like an inhaler type of instrument. This is a type of cigarette that is non- flammable product which uses a micro-electronic technology that provides the one using it, a feeling of smoking a real cigarette. It still has nicotine component that still looks, feels and taste like the ones in cigarettes. However, the nicotine vapor is much similar to an inhaled steam in the shower.


The largest tobacco smokers belonged to China. It has 350 million smokers and one million tobacco-related death tolls, according to statistical studies. Here is where the electronic cigarettes started. The first ever electronic cigarette was developed in Beijing, China by the inventor named Hon Lik. Hon Lik was a 52 year old pharmacist as well as smoker. He is also an inventor. The idea of electronic cigarette was inspired by his father who was a heavy smoker and who died of lung cancer. Golden Dragon Holdings, where Hon Lik worked, developed the device that he made and change its name to Ruyan, a Chinese word meaning “resembles like smoke”.

Actually, a patent acquired by Herbert A. Gilbert during 1963 was the first documentation where the concept of electronic device was outlined. However, the proposed idea was declined and didn’t materialized since there were limited technology back then and tobacco was, before, not considered as something harmful.

It was on 2005, that the electronic cigarette started to be exported. And by 2007, it first receives its international patent. In April of 2006 the device was introduced in Europe and in 2006 to 2007, it was introduced to the United States. And the rest as they say is history.


One of the many reasons that the Electronic cigarette is in appealing to smokers is that they want to still experience smoking a cigarette minus the flames, tobacco, tar, ash, carbon monoxide, stub or smell that are found when one uses a real cigarette. Aside from the ones that are mentioned, other benefits include:

  • doesn’t create a first or second hand smoke
  • odor free
  • convenient
  • cheaper
  • no smoker’s breath
  • no smoke
  • control your nicotine level
  • no cigar smell clothes
  • better health
  • smoke wherever or whenever you want

With the benefits mentioned, smokers want to opt for electronic cigarettes than traditional real cigarettes. It is known as the best alternative to tobacco as of today.


The electronic cigarette is mainly composed of a battery, an “e liquid” cartridge, and an atomizer. Each will be discussed as we go along.

Electronic Cigarette parts (atomizer, cartridges, LED)

Electronic Cigarette Parts

Electronic Cigarette Batteries

This kind of lithium-ion battery is rechargeable. It was invented to make it look like a real cigarette than burns when one puffs on it. There is a LED indicator light found in the end of the battery. It lights up when you puff. It stops working or blinks when it needs to be charged.

Electronic Cigarette Atomizer

The atomizer works as a heater to the electronic liquid. It heats it until it evaporates. It is a metal coil that is small. It really doesn’t burn the electronic liquid, instead, it makes an inhale vapor which mimics smoke. There are two piece design and three piece design to choose from. Take note that atomizers do wear out. Only the two piece atomizer is gaining more popularity since you can refill the atomizers and can be used again and again until it totally wears out.

Electronic Cigarette liquids, Cartridges and Cartomizers

E cigarette cartridges or Cartomizers is where you can find the electronic liquid. Different nicotine levels are made available for electronic liquids. Aside from that the electronic liquid is available in different flavors to choose from, such as tobacco or menthol.


Despite the benefits that this device offers, it also offers potential dangers such as:

Toxic Chemicals

The FDA has not approved electronic cigarettes due to the fact that the cigarettes, upon testing, revealed that it has trace amounts of substances and carcinogens which are harmful to humans.

Long Term Health Risk

There is long term health risk with this product/ device since it contains nicotine. Nicotine is not totally safe and it is a powerful drug.

Promotes more Smoking

The device itself, with the appealing benefits to smokers, promotes more smoking. Even if it is touted as a cessation aid for smokers, it actually does the opposite thing. It ushered a new way for smokers to satisfy their urge to smoke.

Creates New Smokers

The benefits are appealing not only to smokers themselves but also to non-smokers. The young people are at risk. Since younger generations these days are known to be lovers of electronic device. Needless to say, with their curiosity and with a higher edge of technology, wherein you can avail such product through just a click of a button over the internet, it has opened up to a whole generation of young people. It also opened up to a nicotine addiction.

Side Effects

Actually, there are no known side effects that are associated when one uses electronic cigarettes. Any cigarette side effect that one might experience when you are smoking an electronic cigarette is a result of the nicotine that it contains. Nicotine is known to produce unwanted side effects when taken in larger amount or in large doses.

Nicotine, as mentioned above, is found in the electronic liquid that is one of the compositions of electronic cigarette. Aside from the possible side effects of nicotine poisoning, the product or device can also make you addicted.

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Swedish Massage

Jan 17 2012 Published by under General Health

Swedish Massage Definition

Swedish massage existed during the century by Per Henry Ling, a Swedish psychologist and fencing instructor, in Sweden. During the 19th century, he developed “Medical Gymnastics” which is now termed as Swedish massage.

It deals with various techniques which are aimed to relax muscles through utilization of soothing long strokes. It is also effective in reducing stress while making your circulation improve a lot. Aside from that, it also increases the flow of oxygen in your blood and effective in releasing toxins found in muscles.

In addition, it lessens the recuperation period from muscular strain through flushing of the tissues of uric acid, lactic acid and other metabolic waste. The idea is to apply pressure on deeper bones and muscles, and then rubbing them in similar direction of the blood flow that is going to the heart. This can be achieved through tapping, gliding, kneading, stroking, friction, and vibration. Standard session usually last for half an hour to one hour.


There are actually four types of Swedish massage namely Duet massage for couple, aromatherapy massage, hot stone therapy, and seated chair massage.

Duet massage

Duet massage is a kind of Swedish massage done either for couples, family or even best friends. It is done side by side together and is performed by two therapists as they perform the Swedish massage treatment. It is a fun way of sharing the massage experience with someone dear to you. It is the ultimate bonding experience.

Aromatherapy massage

Aromatherapy deals with the usage of essential oils that are warm. The oil is placed into your skin during massage therapy. It works by targeting the limbic system, which is a part of the brain that is associated with emotion. The sent will make you feel relax and rejuvenated. The oil also effectively improves the Swedish massage by treatment of certain physical problems specifically.

Hot stone massage

Hot stone massage involves using heated, smooth stones as an extension of the therapist’s hands or just placing them on the body, for instance in the client’s spine, while therapist will massage, using the Swedish massage, other body parts . The heat from this stone provides a relaxing feeling and it aids in warming tight muscles, as heat is known as having expansion or vascular dilation properties.

Seated chair massage

Seated chair massage, as the name implies, is a massage done when the client is sitting in a special designated chair. It primarily focus are the painful areas of the body which can be found in the back, neck, arms, and shoulders. The therapist relieves the tension in your muscles by using the Swedish massage while you remain seated.


There are actually six techniques of Swedish massage to choose from which includes the following:


From the French term “effleurer” which means skimming over. It is here where the main goal is to release tension all over the body through the use of thumbs, palms and fingertips. It also promotes relaxation. It aids in relaxation and the exfoliation of the skin. It is done in an array of gliding strokes that are longer and that is applied in the entire body by the use of a light pressure.


In Tapottement, it involves percussion or otherwise known as tapping or hacking briskly. For it to be done, the client must have enough adipose tissue. It uses rhythmic chopping strokes with the use of the sides of the hands or with clenching of the fists. It includes pinching, cupping, beating, pounding, and hacking. It is done to revitalize the area that is targeted and also to increase the flow of blood or its circulation.


Petrissage, is culled out from the French word “pertrir”, is the utilization of kneading that is firmly done and squeezing movements that aim to penetrate deep muscles. Here the therapist use fingers, hands and thumbs. It causes relaxation of the muscles, improves blood flow, and hastens removal of uric, lactic acids and other metabolic toxins.


It deals with the pressures done circularly with the use of the palms of hands, fingers, and or thumbs. The therapist exerts medium pressure. Prior to doing the massage, the therapist is known to rub his or her hands together, thus, producing friction. It is done to stimulate heat in the chosen area to be massaged.


What is done here are known as active and passive movements that deals with bending the arms, legs, and the client’s head and stretching the ligaments, muscles, and tendons. This is aimed to make the client feel more flexible, limber, and loose.


Vibration, on the other hand, deals with oscillatory movements which results in vibrating or shaking the body. It promotes circulation and loosens further the targeted area or areas. It is much difficult to do. It is often used along the pathways of the nerve. The therapist uses the side of the hand, fingertips, heal of the hand moving in back and forth motion just across the client’s skin.


There are actually a lot of benefits that one gets when one indulges into Swedish massage, such as:

  1. muscle spasm, pain, and tension reduction
  2. release of endorphins
  3. reduce anxiety
  4. overall relaxation
  5. circulatory improvement
  6. lymphatic drainage improvement
  7. improved mobility
  8. achieving equilibrium in the overall flow of natural life energy
  9. reduction of swelling
  10. aids in mental, physical and emotional vitality

Swedish Massage image

Picture showing Swedish massage


Although the Swedish massage offers numerous positive effects, it also has its negative effects such as the following:


Most Swedish massage session usually last to a maximum of an hour to two hours. This great deal of time is very difficult to sacrifice most especially with people who are very busy. The best solution for them is to schedule massage sessions during the evenings or weekends. However, such sessions are often much costly. Also, there are some masseuse that charges you if you don’t show up on time or during the scheduled appointments.


Swedish massage is costly. The recommended massage sessions should be done at least every week. The charges for a weekly massage treatment can be very expensive and being able to avail such treatment for some persons, who has a limited budget, can be very difficult.


Some people will find it awkward to be in a semi nudity state left alone with only the masseuse. Hence, because of this, some people would just opt not to have second doubts of scheduling a Swedish massage session.

Accidental Injury

Despite the fact that masseuse makes it a point to, as much as possible, never hurt their clients, still there is a possibility that the client acquires injuries accidentally. Such injuries that can be accidentally acquires can either be damage of the nerves, acute soreness of the muscles, or bruising of the dermal area. In severe and rare cases, it can cause neuropathies and shingles or other nerve related illness.

Unintentional Aftereffects

Some of the unintentional aftereffects that one may experience is being able to have aromatic oil like smell and a greasy feeling after which you go out or probably continue with your work, which may result to feeling a bit of embarrassment. Aside from that, you will have flattened hairdos, which makes the condition worse. Lastly, the after effects of this kind of massage is producing a relaxing feeling that somehow makes you sleep, unintentionally, when you shouldn’t be because you have tons of work to do.

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